
Commission, California Public Utilities. “Opinion on the Unbundling of Revenue Cycle Services: Order Instituting Rulemaking and Order Instituting Investigation on the Commission's Proposed Policies Governing Restructuring California's Electric Services Industry and Reforming Regulation.” In, 1994. cpuc_april1994_opinionunbundling.pdf
Commission, California Public Utilities. “Opinion: Order Instituting Rulemaking and Order Instituting Investigation on the Commission's Proposed Policies Governing Restructuring California's Electric Services Industry and Reforming RegulationExecutive Summary.” In, 1994. cpuc_april1994_execsumm.pdf
Commission, California Public Utilities. “Order Instituting Rulemaking and Order Instituting Investigation on the Commission's Proposed Policies Governing Restructuring California's Electric Services Industry and Reforming Regulation.” In, 1994. cpuc_april1994.pdf
Commission, California Public Utilities. “Proposed Policy Decision Adopting a Preferred Industry Structure: Order Instituting Rulemaking and Order Instituting Investigation on the Commission's Proposed Policies Governing Restructuring California's Electric Services Industry and Reforming Regulati.” In, 1994. cpuc_april1994_proppolicy.pdf
Brown, Ashley. “Regulatory Commissions and the Development of Competitive Wholesale Electric Markets.” In, 1994.Abstract

The passage of the Energy Policy Act in 1992 ushered in a new competitve era in the U.S. electricity industry. The task ahead for both state and federal regulators is to make the regulatory changes that are a necessary part of these changes in a coherent fashion.

  • There is no way to achieve coherence in transmission policy without formal cooperation between federal and state regulators. The Commission should take steps to begin this collaborative process, in order to address issues of transmission pricing, unbundling of services, siting, access, and planning.
  • Who should bear the rists of a transition to a more competitive industry? This is clearly a question of policy, and should be treated as such. As a matter of policy, the jusrisdiction which is responsible for creating stranded assets should be the one which deals with its consequences. I applaud the California and Michigan commissions for dealing with this issue explicitly as part of their proposals. the FERC has done the same in its recent NOPR, but has left unclear the issue of possible preemption of state jurisdiction. 
  • The failure of Congress to codify the Pike County doctrine has created a number of regulatory difficulties which make retail competition more attractive, IRP less attractive, and potentially diminishes the richness of wholesale markets. 

The FERC and the state commissions mist exercise the statesmanship on these issues, rather than continuing to engage in bureaucratic turf battles.

Commission, California Public Utilities. “Second Interim Opinion: Order Instituting Rulemaking and Order Instituting Investigation on the Commission's Proposed Policies Governing Restructuring California's Electric Services Industry and Reforming Regulation.” In, 1994. cpuc_april1994_2ndopinion.pdf
Cavanagh, Ralph. “Some Reactions to California's Restructuring Proposals.” In, 1994. cavanagh_memo_1994.pdf
Foley, Cheryl. “Foley, Cheryl. Regulation of US Utility Investment in Foreign Utility Operations. 23-25 March 1994.” In, 1994. Publisher's VersionAbstract
Foley, Cheryl. Regulation of US Utility Investment in Foreign Utility Operations. 23-25 March 1994.
Quirk, Sherry, Jeanette Pablo, and Montina Cole. “"Quirk, Sherry, Jeanette Pablo and Montina Cole. Utility Diversification. 13 May 1994. (With related documents: Levitt, Arthur: Letter to Chairman Markey, Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance, 17 February 1994; and Division of Investment Managem.” In, 1994. Publisher's VersionAbstract
"Quirk, Sherry, Jeanette Pablo and Montina Cole. Utility Diversification. 13 May 1994. (With related documents: Levitt, Arthur: Letter to Chairman Markey, Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance, 17 February 1994; and Division of Investment Management Memorandum, 17 February 1994)."
Cohen, Armond,, and Steven Kihm. “The Political Economy of Retail Wheeling, or How to Not Re-Fight the Last War.” In, 1994.Abstract
Cohen, Armond, and Steven Kihm. The Political Economy of Retail Wheeling, or How to Not Re-Fight the Last War. The Electricity Journal. April 1994.
Black, Bernard. “A Proposal for Implementing Retail Competition in the Electricity Industry” (1994).Abstract
Black, Bernard. A Proposal for Implementing Retail Competition in the Electricity Industry. The Electricity Journal. October, 1994.
Zausner, Eric. “Retail Services: Opportunities Unlimited.” In, 1994.Abstract
Zausner, Eric. Retail Services: Opportunities Unlimited. Draft. 28 October 1994. Presentation.
Quirk, Sherry. “Utility Diversification. 13 May 1994. (With related documents: Levitt, Arthur: Letter to Chairman Markey, Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance, 17 February 1994; and Division of Investment Management Memorandum, 17 February 1994.” In, 1994.Abstract
Quirk, Sherry, Jeanette Pablo and Montina Cole. Utility Diversification. 13 May 1994.  (With related documents: Levitt, Arthur: Letter to Chairman Markey, Subcommittee on Telecommunications and Finance, 17 February 1994; and Division of Investment Management Memorandum, 17 February 1994
Foley, Cheryl. “Regulation of US Utility Investment in Foreign Utility Operations.” In, 1994.Abstract
Foley, Cheryl. Regulation of US Utility Investment in Foreign Utility Operations. 23-25 March 1994.
Green, Richard. Britain's. “Green, Richard. Britain's Unregulated Electricity Pool" In Einhorn, Michael, ed., From Regulation to Competition: New Frontiers in Electricity Markets. 1994. Kluwer Academic Publishing."” In, 1994.Abstract
Green, Richard. "Britain's Unregulated Electricity Pool" In Einhorn, Michael, ed., From Regulation to Competition: New Frontiers in Electricity Markets. 1994. Kluwer Academic Publishing.
on, Japanese Subcommittee. “Japanese Subcommittee on Basic Electricity Issues of the Supply and Demand Committee of the Electric Utility Industry Council. Reassessing Japan's Electricity Supply System: Introducing Competitive Principles to Improve Efficiency. 1994. Draft.” In, 1994.Abstract
Japanese Subcommittee on Basic Electricity Issues of the Supply and Demand Committee of the Electric Utility Industry Council. Reassessing Japan's Electricity Supply System: Introducing Competitive Principles to Improve Efficiency. 1994. Draft.
Grid, Australian National. “Market Overview.” In, 1994.Abstract
Australian National Grid Management Council, Market Trading Working Group. Market Overview. 21 September 1994. Position Paper No. 1.
Bergman, Lars, and Bo Ande. “Market Structure and the Price of Electricity: An Ex Ante Analysis of the Deregulated Swedish Electricity Market.” In, 1994.Abstract
Bergman, Lars and Bo Andersson. Market Structure and the Price of Electricity: An Ex Ante Analysis of the Deregulated Swedish Electricity Market." May 1994. Draft."
Marshall, Eileen. The 100. “Marshall, Eileen. The 100KW Electricity Supply Market (England and Wales). January 1994.” In, 1994.Abstract
Marshall, Eileen. The 100KW Electricity Supply Market (England and Wales). January 1994.
on Moen, Jan. Chapter Unb. “Moen, Jan. Chapter on Unbundling of Norwegian Electric Supply Industry. 11 September 1994. Draft.” In, 1994.Abstract
Moen, Jan. Chapter on Unbundling of Norwegian Electric Supply Industry. 11 September 1994. Draft.
