News & Events


2023 May 31

Unpacking the IRA

1:00pm to 4:00pm


Virtual Session - All times are EST

Previous discussions focused on the implementation challenges that come after and flow from the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA).  The murky picture of a few months ago has been changing with expanded analysis of just what the Act entails and how, and how long, raising as many questions as it has provided answers.  Recent news suggests that the scope could be much larger.  The Wall Street Journal reported that “a Goldman Sachs report projects its myriad green subsidies will cost $1.2 trillion—more than three times what the law’s supporters claimed.”  The funnel...

Read more about Unpacking the IRA
2023 Mar 14

Transmission Expansion: The Challenge of Major Changes

1:00pm to 4:00pm


Virtual Session. Meeting time EST

Decarboning electricity requires major expansion in transmission. At the same time, transmission has been saving the day when tens of GWs of conventional plants keep failing in severe weather situations by enabling delivery of neighboring regions’ surplus power. To expand transmission at the scale needed, changes will be needed in transmission planning, investment, siting, and funding. Although incremental more traditional investments can move forward, the expectation is that renewable energy sources must expand in new locations far...

Read more about Transmission Expansion: The Challenge of Major Changes
2022 Dec 12

Green Policy, Predictions, and Practice: Implementation Challenges

1:00pm to 4:00pm


Virtual Session-All times are EST

The goals for carbon emission reduction and the precipitating event of passage of the IRA lead to a focus on implementation. All elements of the electricity system and markets face new stress tests. Absent the unlikely unlimited expansion of the transmission grid, storage and demand participation, the power system will face continuing, and even growing, operational constraints. Rapid changes in system conditions will be increasingly the norm, with implied or real prices more volatile. These are early days, with system operators and market participants seeking better models and practices...

Read more about Green Policy, Predictions, and Practice: Implementation Challenges

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