Retail Choice Study. Issues and Options for Electric Generation Service: A Report for Public Comment


Excerpt from the Extecutive Summary:

The Committee presents this study to the community for consideration and comment. The attached report and associated appendices and reference materials provide additional information and context. These materials are available at Belmont Municipal Lighting Department's (“BMLD”) offices, on BMLD’s web site, at the Town Clerk’s Office, and at the Belmont Library. The Committee invites any and all comments and specifically seeks input and comment on the following questions for its consideration in forming recommendations.

  1. Should the Town of Belmont pursue retail choice?

  2. If Belmont does pursue a retail choice approach, what benefits to the Town or consumers in the Town are most important to obtain in a retail choice program?

  3. If Belmont does pursue a retail choice approach, what timeframe should be considered?

  4. If Belmont does pursue a retail choice approach, what approach should be pursued?

  5. If Belmont does not pursue a retail choice approach, are there alternative power supply approaches or services, to be provided by BMLD, that are of interest?

Last updated on 07/26/2021