Frequently Asked Questions

Wires Charge

Charging electric suppliers or their customers for the use of transmission or distribution wires

Bilateral Market

Buying and selling electricity based on contractual agreements (in contrast to a poolco)

Contingency Planning

Operating a system so that the single, most severe contingency is sustained without causing instabilities, voltage collapse or overloads


An electric distribution company (sometimes called an EDU, electric distribution utility, or UDC, utility distribution company)

EWG (Exempt Wholesale Generator)

Under the Energy Policy Act of 1992, a wholesale generator that is exempted from certain financial and legal restrictions specified in the Public Utility Holding Company Act of 1935


The interconnected power lines and generators that supply, transmit and distribute electric power to the customers connected to it


The independent system operator that manages a region's transmission grid

Municipal Utility (muni)

A utility that generates or supplies electricity, transmission and distribution generally within the boundaries of a specific municipality and that is owned or operated by the municipality


Provider of last resort

Retail Wheeling

Allowing a customer to buy electricity from a supplier of choice and transmit (wheel) it on the grid