Publications by Year: 2022

Hogan, William. “Climate Policy and the Green Agenda: Could Nordhaus be Right?” In IAEE , 2022.Abstract hogan_iaee_green_011722.pdf
Green Policy, Predictions, and Practice: Implementation Challenges Rapporteur's Report.” Green Policy, Predictions, and Practice: Implementation Challenges. HEPG Virtual Session: December 12, 2022, 2022. Rapporteur's Report: Green Policy, Predictions, and Practice
Everything is Different: Ukraine, Energy, Climate and Energy Markets Rapporteur's Report.” Everything is Different: Ukraine, Energy, Climate and Electricity Markets. HEPG Virtual Session: May 5, 2022, 2022. HEPG Session: Ukraine, Energy, Climate and Electricity Markets
Collins, Keith. “Lessons and Challenges Integrating Renewable Generation.” In HEPG virtual session Green Policy, Predictions, and Practice: Implementation Challenges, 2022. keith_collins_hepg_20221212_1.pdf
Xu, Qingyu, Neha Patankar, Michael Lau, Chuan Zhang, and Jesse Jenkins. Cleaner, Faster, Cheaper: Impacts of the Inflation Reduction Act and a Blueprint for Rapid Decarbonization in the PJM Interconnection Zone. Princeton University, 2022. Publisher's Version
Klein, Abram. “Electricity/Energy Markets in Transition: addressing the climate challenge but preserving affordable rates and reliability.” In HEPG virtual session Constructing an HEPG Agenda: Taking Stock, 2022. klein_hepg_agenda2022_draft.pdf
Conner, Amanda. “Inflation Reduction Act: Impacts and Perspectives on Grid Reliability and Energy Policy.” In HEPG virtual session Construction an HEPG Agenda: Taking Stock, October 14, 2022. harvard_electricity_policy_group_panel_a_conner_10.14.22_1.pdf
Hartman, Devin. “Ukraine, Energy, Climate, and Electricity Markets.” In HEPG virtual session Ukraine, Energy, Climate, and Electricity Markets, May 5, 2022. hartman_hepg_climateenergy_security_ukraine_may_2022.pdf
Sedano, Rich. “Everything is Different: Reflection on the States.” In HEPG virtual session Everything is Different: Ukraine, Energy, Climate, and Electricity Markets, May 5, 2022. rap_sedano_hepg_2022_may_5_compressed.pdf
Nock, Destenie. “Power Sector Innovation: Market Segments.” In HEPG virtual session Power Sector Innovation: Creating the Future, March 4, 2022. nock_innovation_in_energy_markets_2022.pdf
Chan, Gabriel. “Power Sector Innovation: The Role for Regulators.” In HEPG virtual session Power Sector Innovation: Creating the Future, March 4, 2022. power_sector_innovation_hepg_-_chan_220304.pdf
Anadon, Laura Diaz. “Power Sector Innovation: Different approaches to creating the future.” In HEPG Virtual Session Power Sector Innovation: Creating the Future. March 4, 2022. Cambridge (virtual), 2022. ldanadon_20220304_presentation_vs1.pdf
Foglesong, Anna. “Managing the Industry's Changing Landscape.” In. HEPG Virtual Session, Cambridge, MA-October 14, 2022, 2022.Abstract
HEPG Virtual Session:  Constructing an HEPG Agenda, Taking Stock -- Cambridge, MA --October 14, 2022